In order to minimize human mistakes  you should use our barcode scanner function. Barcodes are inhuman, and therefore perfect for checkking of you picked the right products.

Step 1 - Connect your scanner

You may use any type of scanner as long as it is set to 'keybord'. You can easily check if your barcode is setup right. Just open any text editor like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac) or Notepadqq (Linux). Then scan a random product.... Do you see the barcode typed fastly? If yes: your barcode is set to 'keybord'.

If not: please google how to switch your barcode scanner to make it work like a keybord. If you have no idea, please mail us with your barcode brand, type en serial number so we can try to find the right manual for you to switch it!

Please note: set your barcode scanner up with the 'Enter/Return' key setting on. Please check your barcode scanner manual.

Step 2 - Connect your barcode

In order to tell FastPicker what field contains the barcode you need to go to the top menu and choose 'Shops'

Then choose the shop you want to edit (Yes, you can add multiple shops!) and then scroll to the bottom:

The default field we use is the _sku field. But, if you in ANY case need another field for barcodes then feel free to use the Post meta field name (key) and fill that one in!

Step 3 - Start scanning!

Now you're ready to scan and make your work more easy and fun!

NOTE: the following icon only detects if your focus is on your browser. Only when your focus is on your browser your scanner wil work. Otherwise your barcode will be printed in another window ;-)